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Since 2 0 1 1, Ningbo Vollplus Power Tools Co.,Ltd. has successfully established to serve the power tools market. Our management team has over 2 0 years experiences in tools that enabled us to secure long-term relationships with 5 0 0 suppliers.

Quality and design are the key to success in this competitive field. Vollplus has professional R & D department, we are always keeping focus on products’ improvement and innovation. Vollplus are picked out from thousands of power tools series according to our years’ selling experiences and marketing feedback. These products are of reasonable prices and top quality. We got good reputation from customers. Vollplus can provide our customers one stop solution way from D.I.Y, semi-professional and professional level.

Vollplus, a professional power tools supplier. Vollplus helps make your daily life easy and solve any challenges. To choose Vollplus, you will get more than you expect!

Stan Chan
Nancy Yu
Carrie Hu
Joan Wang
Sam Lu

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